About us
United Academics of Ohio University is a grass-roots, faculty-led effort to secure collective bargaining rights. We stand together to create the conditions where Ohio University can realize its vision of a “transformative learning community where students realize their promise” and “faculty advance knowledge.”
We are United Academics of Ohio University (UAOU). As faculty, we uphold the central educational mission of a public research university, which includes fostering student success, creating knowledge, and serving an informed and free-thinking democratic society. To achieve our mission, we stand together, united across ranks and campuses, to organize a faculty union and through this alliance:
to secure a just, safe, equitable, and collegial environment for teaching, learning, research, creative activity, and service;
to negotiate the working conditions and compensation structure that will enable the recruitment and retention of a dedicated and diverse faculty;
to ensure the sustained and substantial commitment of university resources to OU’s core mission of teaching and research, specifically to academic programs which cultivate students’ intellectual and personal development, lift up the voices of our diverse communities in Southeast Ohio, and generate internationally recognized research and scholarship;
to realize, in partnership with Faculty Senate, the true potential of shared governance, administrative transparency, and due process;
to defend academic freedom, the key to an open and unfettered society.
UAOU (formerly OU AAUP and the Ohio University Faculty Alliance) is affiliated with the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Ohio Conference AAUP (OC AAUP), and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).